Monday, August 18, 2014

Boost Your Conversion Rates With These Web Design Techniques

Talking to a consumer and persuading him to avail your offer is hard enough already, how much more when you can not talk to him face to face? How will you be able to persuade someone to go along with you through a website without the bubbly, upbeat and looking good sales person?

Surprisingly, it pretty much Takes the same technique to do so but instead of a sales person, the web design will have to do all the talking. How? To dig into these techniques and learn.

Be Precise
Go straight to the point. Do not bore your site visitors with elaborate designs that will only confuse Them and refrain from using jargon, most especially. Remember that you are the web designer not the consumers, those terminologies will not ring a bell to Them unless They work in the same field.
Ensure Visual Appeal
Notice how sales persons are particularly good looking? That's Because whether we admit it or not, we tend to trust and be Easily swayed when we are being pursued by a good looking person. This is why you have to be Certain that your website's design pleases the eyes of your target audience. No matter how ground breaking your content is, if a visitors  is not  pleased with the design, he will not stay longer to actually appreciate the content.

Know The Power Of Visual Hierarchy And Apply It
Visual hierarchy , ie, Shown and Wikipedia " the Order in Which the human eye perceives what it sees . "Which Basically Means, our minds way of interpreting things from how our eyes see it. In that case, you can take advantage of it by making an image, word or phrase bigger if you want to accentuate it since we immediately be assuming that when something is bigger from the rest then it is important.

Maintain Your Visitor's Attention

When you check out a product or service is endorsing a sales agent, did not you notice how he amps up His "sales talk" when he finally caught your attention? The same goes for a website, if your attention grabber is a moving image at the top of your site, make sure that you have more in stored for your potential clients to keep Them interested. Like a large interesting pictures, intriguing background or whatever unique design you have in mind that works well for your site. 

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